Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 8 - 6/25/10

Ahh, today will be the first of some days where I FORGET to bring my camera with me. I know it's a dumb mistake. How do you forget a camera when you do a 365? Your camera should be in hand at all times. Pretty much any more commitment to your camera and you might as well put a ring on it as Beyonce might say. However through the advancement of technology, I have found a suitable safety net: my cellphone. But just like life, there is always some unexpected this case, guess who forgot to install the drivers so his computer can read his phone? Yes, R.D. is my name and dumb mistakes are my game. Let's just call a mulligan on this one and say I just had a brain fart. Although I can't promise that this won't happen again, at least I can say I might be slightly more prepared in case this happens. ;)

The picture I actually wanted to use will be posted later, probably in an edit. However, for now, I took a quick photo of my slight flop. Oh the joys of spontaneity and quick thinking. Oh wow, I barely got this one in. Oh well I did. Phew. I don't care if it says this was posted on Saturday. For you OCD people, I was only late by ONE minute; cut me a break. It's been a long day.


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